Sunday, 1 December 2013

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AppDialer Pro–T9 app searching v4.0.2 APK

AppDialer Pro–T9 app searching

Local app searching with T9 App Dialer.
The App Dialer provides a revolutionary way to app search! Only a few clicks on a simple T9 keyboard are required to launch any app. This saves time when you need to find and launch apps quickly.
It features:
★ Local app searching by app name or vendor name
★ A Ranking System that lists “most-used” apps in descending order
★ An easy-to-use T9 keyboard
★ Lightning-fast searching
★ A “quick launch” panel in the notifications area
★ Options to uninstall apps, pin icons to the Home screen or get app info
★ Widget
The App Dialer is like a T9 "dialer”. It searches and launches apps as fast as possible. Just press on any number-pad button to search for any symbol on it.
App Dialer lets you quickly access applications on your Android device by searching application names or vendor names using a simple T9 keyboard. It continuously refines search results as you press each of the nine buttons, and improves as it learns from your launch history.
Compare with built-in Google Search.
App Dialer works like Google Search but is much faster and easier. Google Search uses an old-fashioned Qwerty keyboard, which is annoying when quick searching. But App Dialer uses a specially designed T9 keyboard for easy app searching.
What's New
Fixed some app crashes
Widget resizes correctly on some launchers
Required Android O/S : 4.0+
Screenshots :
AppDialer Pro–T9 app searching - screenshotAppDialer Pro–T9 app searching - screenshot
AppDialer Pro–T9 app searching - screenshotAppDialer Pro–T9 app searching - screenshot
Download size: 1.13Mb APK
Rs. 0.00
original price : Rs160.22
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Rs. 0.00
File Size 1.13 MB
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